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secret base

美 [ˈsiːkrət beɪs]英 [ˈsiːkrət beɪs]
  • 网络秘密基地
secret basesecret base
  1. Now she is my only link to finding their secret base .


  2. Leaving the Dadan Family !? The Secret Base is Complete !


  3. Today I am going to show you some pictures which were shot at my secret base . I hope that everybody will like them .


  4. It shouldn 't surprise anyone that there 's a top secret base out in the middle of the Nevada desert .


  5. He company a corner of the factory premises change to a secret research base and build a cart behind closed door .


  6. Hi , officially , we come and have a wander around your top secret weapons base . Really ? Great .


  7. As a secret training base for a new plane , it was an excellent site , its remoteness effectively masking its activity .


  8. IN SEPTEMBER 2011 a fleet of Predator and Reaper drones took off from a secret CIA base in the Saudi desert . They crossed into Yemen and began patiently tracking a convoy of vehicles that was travelling near the border with Saudi Arabia .
